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15276 W Jimmie Kerr Boulevard Ste 1 Casa Grande, AZ 85122
We get a series of commonly asked questions about our business services and for the most part we are a full service automotive and diesel engine repair shop as you might expect. Below are the answers to those particular asked questions.
Are you a UHAUL Dealer?Yes, we are a Uhaul dealer and have a limited selection of box trucks and trailers available for rent. You can see an updated catalog of rental equipment on the UHAUL page of our website; or just go to .
How do I set up an appointment for service?Goto our home page and click on "Book Online," or goto .
Where can I sign an Authorization of Work agreement?Click on this link (*) to access the form. Once you've signed it and submitted we can access a copy of it from our records.
Why should I become a member of Toby's Auto Mechanic LLC website?As a member you will receive updates and discounts through our loyalty program. Simply access our official website and create a membership.
Where are you located?15276 W Jimmie Kerr Boulevard ste1 Casa Grande, AZ 85122
What are your business hours?We are open Monday through Friday, from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. Appointments only on weekends. Call Friday or schedule online. Walkins welcome Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 12:00 pm.
Does Toby Auto Mechanic LLC work on automobiles or desiel engines?Both. Toby's Auto Mechanic LLC offers a well balanced array of automotive and desiel services to keep your vehicle moving and on the road longer at very affordable rates.
What kind of services do you offer?We are a diesel and automobile repair specialist. We are certified to repair both foreign and domestic vehicles, all-terrain vehicles, and trucks and tractors. We specialize in engine and transmission swaps, but most of our work is on parts replacements around the engine assembly, suspension, fuel system, coolant system, HVAC system, and electrical system (ECU/TCM programing, lighting, ignition components, exhaust sensors, and turbo charger assemblies, etc.)
Does Toby's Auto Mechanic LLC repair Exhaust systems?We are limited to what exhaust services we can offer at the moment. We are able to perform exhaust parts replacements that do not require welding methods.
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